
Tips to Protect Your Trees During Construction

Jul 09, 2024

Whether you're a developer or a landowner looking to build a home or building, surely you want the result to be as functionally and aesthetically attractive as possible. Trees play a central role in these goals, and protecting existing trees can add great value to your project.

In this brief article brough to you by Arbor & Acre, we want to share some tips on how you can protect and make the most of your trees during construction. If you need professional tree service, you can always call or message Arbor & Acre to speak with a member of our team.

Plan ahead and include trees in your initial design

Before the first shovel hits the ground, you should have already integrated tree protection into your project planning. By considering tree locations early on, you can design around them, minimizing potential damage and costs.

Conduct a thorough assessment of your property with a certified arborist to identify which trees are worth saving based on their health, age, species, and location. Mark these trees on your site plans and ensure your architect and builder are aware of their significance.

Establish tree protection zones (TPZs)

A Tree Protection Zone (TPZ) is an area around a tree where construction activities are restricted. This is meant to prevent damage to the tree’s roots, trunk, and canopy.

Erect sturdy barriers around these zones before construction begins and communicate to all workers that these areas are off-limits for storage, parking, or any form of construction activity. The radius of a TPZ is typically determined by the diameter of the tree trunk – a common rule of thumb is one foot of radius per inch of trunk diameter.

Minimize soil compaction

Healthy soil is vital for tree health because it allows roots to absorb water and nutrients. Construction activities often apply pressure on the soil and compact it, which can severely impact tree roots.

To prevent this, keep heavy machinery and foot traffic away from the TPZs. If machinery must be used near trees, lay down a thick layer of mulch or plywood sheets to distribute the weight and reduce compaction.

Avoid trenching near trees

Trenching for utilities or foundations can be particularly damaging to tree roots. Roots typically extend well beyond the tree’s canopy and lie within the top few feet of soil.

Instead of traditional trenching, consider alternatives like directional boring or routing utilities around the trees. If trenching is unavoidable, work with an arborist to use air spades or hand digging techniques to carefully expose and protect significant roots.

Educate your team

Finally, perhaps the most important in protecting trees during construction is to ensure everyone involved in the project understands their value and the importance of preserving them.

Educate your construction crew, landscapers, and any other workers on-site about the tree protection measures in place and the reasons behind them. When everyone is on the same page, it’s much easier to work together to safeguard these valuable assets.

Work with a reputable tree company

Trees are valuable and sensitive ornaments worthy of any property type, but they must be well-kept if you want to get the most out of it. Whether you need an assessment or a tree removal, make sure to hire reputable and experienced professionals.

Arbor & Acre is proud to be a time-tested and established tree company with uniformed tree care specialists. Call or message us at any time of the day to speak with a member of our team or schedule a convenient appointment.

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